Dr. Emily Fogle
Biochemistry- Enzyme Mechanisms
B.S. Chemistry & Biology - Sonoma State - 2000
Ph.D. Chemistry - UC Davis - 2005
Post-doc - University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Office: Baker Center - Building 180 - Room 416
Phone: (805) 756-7540
E-Mail: efogle@calpoly.edu

Research Interests
Mechanistic Enzymology. My research seeks to better understand the detailed chemical mechanisms that enzymes use. In particular I am interested in pyridoxal phosphate dependent enzymes as well as oxidoreductases.
Methods used to gain insight into these enzymes include:
1) steady state kinetics
2) pH rate profiles
3) kinetic isotope effects
4) site-directed mutagenesis
Other skills involved in these studies include:
1) overexpression of proteins
2) protein purification
3) basic molecular biology techniques