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Cal Poly Alpha Chi Sigma Fraternity Wins Best National Chapter Award

November 12, 2014

Cal Poly's chapter of the co-ed chemistry fraternity Alpha Chi Sigma was honored with the T. Dale Stewart award for best chapter nationwide for 2012-14. Given every two years, the award is based on the quantity and quality of events the chapter participates in and sponsors.

The students in the Cal Poly chapter host or help with a variety of events on campus and in the community. They provide free chemistry tutoring services on campus, help Boy Scouts earn their science merit badge, participate in community science nights, and assist local high schools with chemistry labs and experiments.

"These activities benefit the K-12 students by providing them with resources, and the Cal Poly undergraduates learn better ways to communicate science with the general community," said Phil Costanzo, a chemistry professor and the club's advisor.

The students also sponsor a campuswide BYOP (bring your own pumpkin) party every Halloween, during which they carefully carve and then blow up pumpkins.

"Alpha Chi Sigma is a great opportunity for students because it opens up a whole new community on campus," said Jennifer Dunaj, a chemistry major and the chapter's master alchemist, as the chapter leader is called. "You always see a friendly face in class and have someone to talk to."

The fraternity also facilitates networking with chemistry professionals, including faculty members and those working in industry. "Alpha Chi Sigma enables students to form connections that help open paths to research, internship and job opportunities," said Dunaj.

"The students have worked hard for this award. They're a dedicated group and really enjoy sharing their love and passion of chemistry with others," said Costanzo.


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