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Dr. Tammy Campbell

Assistant Professor


Origin of Life


NASA Post-Doctoral Fellow (2012-2014), The Scripps Research Institute 2010-2014
Ph.D. California Institute of Technology 2010
M.S. San Francisco State University 2004
B.S. University of California, Los Angeles 2001

Office: Baker Center - Bldg 180 - 421

Phone:  (805) 756-2443


Research Interests

  1. Study of alternative genetic polymers from an origin of life persepective
    a)  Synthesis of nucleoside and nucleotide monomers
    b)  Synthesis of alternative nucleic acids via solid-phase methods
    c)  Purification and characterization of oligomers using HPLC and spectroscopic methods
  2. Evolution of self-replicating peptides
    a)  Engineer catalytic and recognition capabilities into peptides
    b)  Evolving peptides through cycles of diversification, selection, and amplification

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