Dr. Eric Kantorowski
Organic Chemistry
B.S. Chemistry - Cal State Fullerton - 1993
Ph.D. University of California, Davis - 1998
Office: Baker Center - Bldg 180 - 405
Phone: (805) 756-2796
E-Mail: ekantoro@calpoly.edu
Website: http://chemweb.calpoly.edu/ekantoro/
Research Interests
- Mechanistic organic chemistry, synthetic methodology, organic synthesis
- Cyclopropane chemistry: electrophilic- and radical-mediated ring opening of cyclopropanes and other strained systems
- Synthetic methodology aimed at the preparation of bioactive natural products and analogs
- Collaboration with external agencies to scout for compounds that show promise against Alzheimer’s, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other disorders and diseases
- Pedagogical innovation using modern technology