Dr. Andres Martinez
Associate Professor
Analytical Chemistry
B.S. Stanford University
Ph.D. Harvard University
Office: Frost Center - Bldg. 181 - 421
Phone: 805-756-2744
Email: awmartin@calpoly.edu
Website: http://www.paperfluidics.com/
Research Interests
My research is focused on the development of simple and portable diagnostic tests that could be useful for diagnosing disease or detecting analytes in the field. My group works primarily with devices made out of paper and studies everything from capillary wicking of fluids in paper to the shelf life of reagents stored on paper-based devices. Students in my research group learn about fabrication, fluid dynamics, qualitative and quantitative analysis and global health (and we get to work with cool tools like a liquid dispensing robot, a laser cutter, a 3D printer and an environmental chamber).
- PRE-REQ: Creativity, curiosity and a strong work ethic. No specific course work is required. For more information, please visit http://www.paperfluidics.com/